A person who was contacted WoTLK Gold by this survey via Reddit (verified by a Blizzard representative) the package includes the previous WoW expansions in addition to one month of gameplay time as well as an "exclusive" in-game item when you purchase a ticket to go to the movie. The survey itself does not say the base game is included however it's possible that this is considered a given.
At present, Blizzard is only exploring the concept. If the company decides to offer a certain type of package, the content could alter between now and when the film hits the market.
P2Pah has reached out to Blizzard in an effort to learn more about the company's plans regarding possibilities for crossover between World of Warcraft and WoW.
WoW's next expansion, Legion, launches this summer, which is also when the Duncan Jones-directed World of Warcraft comes to theaters. Game designer Brian Holinka told P2Pah in November that the film's release may draw new players into WoW.
"It's more of an expansion of the view of the universe to buy WoTLK Classic Gold all," he said about the film in the moment. "For us, our main focus is on the game. If the movie is there or not, what's the point? The expansion and the quality of gameplay experience and content--is really what will make people stick around and play the game. I'm confident that it'll make many people interested as well as entice a lot of people to"Legion," which is an awesome thing."